More Positivity

- Toxic relationships/people: Remove them from your life. No bigger soul crusher than a person in your life that makes you feel like a convenience or object.
- Addiction: If you smoke, drink too much, do drug, seek help. There is a better more positive life out there. Dive into why you are trying to escape yourself.
- Hobby: Find something you like to do. Something your particularly good at, and focus on that and have fun.
- Career: Maybe, you’re in a dead end job, maybe you are in the corporate world making decent money, but you aren’t happy. Explore other life paths. Find something you enjoy doing, a passion, then find a way to generate an income from it.
- Expectations: Don’t have any, expectations can set you up for failure and disappointment. Take life as it come, while responding not reacting.
- Health: Take care of yourself. Cut out most processed foods and get some form of physical activity 30 mins 5x a week.
- Goals: Make a list of mini goals each night for the following day. Make these goals very attainable. You can also include monthly, yearly and five year goals. Achieving goals help build confidence and a sense of purpose.
- Judgement: Who cares what that coworker thinks of you. The only person you should care what they think about you, is you!
- Self Awareness: I can’t emphasis how important, yet hard to achieve this is. We are human, life is a tough road, be aware of the lessons that are put in your path. Make corrections where needed, and be easy on yourself. The more aware you become, your life may seem more difficult at fist, but positivity and self love follow.
- Read: Make an effort to spend a few hours a week reading on a subject you know nothing about. You’d be surprised what you learn, and may find a new hobby.
- Laughter: Try and laugh as often as possible. Laughter can boost mood and turn gloom into hope. Don’t be afraid to smile at that stranger and share your energy.
- Friends/Family: I’m a huge believer in quality over quantity. Spend time with those that help you grow, not spread gossip and worry about others.
- Negative Self Talk: Hey, we all do it. And at times, I believe it is needed. We can’t be positive every day. We are human. Listen to the self talk, but don’t sit in it. What is it trying to teach you? Take the lesson and move on. Also, steer away from those that constantly push how positive we always have to be. No one is positive 24/7.
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