1. Nobody is ORDINARY! It’s Just how you Explore your Talents
“Anybody who has ever unraveled the power of inner-strength and chosen to be special can become the most extraordinary hero, after all “There is no charge for awesomeness – or attractiveness.”
2. Live in the present
“You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There is a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” live your life for today, there is no past or present.
3.Explore your special talents and skills
1. Trapped in their ordinary self. Panda thought himself to be just a big fat Panda and unworthy contestant even for proper Kung Fu training. Like Panda, ordinary people don’t find themselves fit into pursuing extraordinary dreams and hence they never taste big achievements.
2. Too much concerned about what others think about them. Panda was completely absorbed by the criticism and was hurt for being largely ignored by the Furious Five who he adored for their expertise in Kung Fu. Ordinary people make a firm but delusionary perceptions about their competency upon consideration of what others think and talk about them.
3. Overwhelmed by their false qualms. Panda’s biggest fear was that he might not be able to learn Kung Fu and rescue the Valley of Peace from evil Tai Lung. Having doubts on your ability weaken your strength and keep you from running behind your dreams. “No matter how impossible, out of the universe, unrealistic, and weird your dreams are; someday they are bound to come true if you keep faith in yourself and work on your abilities”
4. Role Models are Just milestones! Don’t try to be their second version
Role models influence our life in an optimistic light, motivate us to put proportionate effort in right direction, initiate to walk the roughest road and accept the greatest challenge and fight against inordinate difficulties to achieve our dream.Moreover, evolving as the first version of yourself by taking inspiration from their lives is the true appreciation of their contribution.
5.The POWER you seek outside lies within you
All Kung Fu fighters including Tai Lung desired to have the ‘Dragon Scroll’, which was supposed to make its owner rich with infinite power. When Tai Lung opened the scroll finally for having it, he found it to be empty. All he could see was his own image, but Panda learnt “To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.”
6. The secret of reaching your destination can be hidden in your biggest weakness
We often defend our weakness by not really confronting it. Our greatest weakness might hold the key to our complete transformation. All we need to do is perceive it, accept it and then consider utilizing it in best possible way. Ask yourself what’s your biggest fear? Why are you running away from it? Is it life-threatening? Have courage to confront it and instead of eliminating it, learn to channelize it in your favor as Panda did.
Food was Panda’s greatest weakness. When Master Shifu discovered that Panda was extremely motivated by food and often ate a lot to alleviate his depressed mind. Master Shifu channelized Panda’s weakness by building mental connection between food and exercises, which ultimately led him to a great Kung Fu master.
7. Be determined enough to stand your dream
Perseverance is instrumental in maintaining your consistency on the way of accomplishing your dreams. Time comes when criticism pinches you to bow down on you knees in front of defeat; it is determination that protects your dream from falling and crushing.
Panda was heavily neglected, ignored, criticized for being so dumb in any Kung Fu move by Furious Five and Master Shifu. He was distressed and depressed but didn’t give up on himself. After initial disbelief he finally stood for his desire and worked hard to win it. Persistence pays back provided you stand stoned against all criticism (sometimes by wise and knowledgeable people). Remember, even the most intelligent or talented people can be beaten by perseverance and patience.
8. To succeed you don’t have to be better than the best
Panda was never was as good as the Furious Five, he even could not think of being equal to them and when he expressed his fear to Master Shifu “They’re five MASTERS, and I’m just ONE me!”, Shifu wisely replied, “But you will have the one thing no one else has.” What makes you a better contender is not comparison but your own distinct way of doing it.
9. Never disguise anybody for their appearance
Don’t misjudge your competitors by appearance or size, the core principle of judging them is their competency. When Tai Lung denied his defeat saying, “You can’t defeat me! You… you’re just a big… fat… panda!” Panda clutching his weak punch by the finger and replied, “I’m not a big fat panda. I’m THE big fat panda.”
10. Make sure you are content in what you are doing
Never pursue others’ dreams! you will end up dedicating your whole life making others happy without any big achievement. Spending time and putting in hard hard work aren’t enough. Happiness and contentment are the key to your evolvement as a better person. Pursue something that enlightens you and encourage thousands of people to follow their passion. Panda was never happy at his family-run noodle shop, he knew it wasn’t his destiny; therefore he never dreamt of making his business big. He always longed to learn Kung Fu and when he pursued his dream he became the greatest.

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