What business ideas make a person a millionaire?


No, I'm not talking about Mark Zuckerberg, pay attention to the boy next to him, in 2005 Alex Tew, 21 years old, came up with an idea with which to make some extra money, because in the end he ended up with a million dollars


Alex created a completely blank web page, with dimensions of 1000 x 1000, that is, a million pixels, then he contacted a lot of advertisers and offered them to advertise on his page at the modest price of $ 1 per pixel.

The result? See for yourself

A web page 1 million pixels bought for advertising or what is the same, 1 million dollars in total for having sold all the available space of your web page.
The site was called milliondollarhomepage(.com)

How about? If an absurd idea works, is it still absurd?

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